The service
Ocean Tracking is the official supplier of tracking beacons for the 38 sailboats participating in the Cap Martinique race
Study of needs and proposal adapted to the tracking of a transatlantic ocean race lasting more than 20 days
Type of beacon selected: SK50
Connection type and frequency: 2G/4G along the coast and automatic switch to Iridium offshore as soon as the GSM network is no longer available.
Installation and testing
- official distribution of markers by the race organizer
- Presence of an Ocean Tracking technician 2 days before departure
- Initialization of the race and mapping by Ocean Tracking
- Trials and tests carried out by Ocean Tracking
- support: 24/7
The specificities
The race must last more than twenty days with a position sent every 30 minutes.
Initially the frequency is set every 10 minutes for 3 hours
On arrival the beacons connect to 2G/4G and the frequency is set to 2 seconds: A direct arrival.
- Cartography: Ocean Tracking Cap Martinique cartography
- Battery consumption per beacon over the duration of the race: approximately 40%
- Automatic arrival clocking
Data flows
Provision of PosAdrena files to race management and participants on an HTTPS server for monitoring the race using specific software: Adrena, Sailgrib, Weather4D , etc.
Automated sending of emails to participants with position files.